The Best Foods for Your Leopard Gecko

Pet leopard geckos should live to at least 20 years if taken care of properly. But your leopard gecko cannot do it alone. He needs you. He requires good nutrition, vitamins and minerals, as well as occasional treats. He needs fresh water, but it is not possible to rain in his cage. He also requires stimulation for exercise and clean drinking water. This blog post will show you how to give your gecko all the nutrition he or she needs to live a healthy and happy life.

What Do Leopard Geckos Eat?

Leopard geckos will eat any insect they find in the wild. They are known to eat beetle larvae, spiders, and hard-shelled beetles. Experts believe leopard geckos can even eat scorpions. Although you won’t be putting your gecko at risk by giving scorpions to them in captivity, he will still need to be fed insects as his main diet.

What Should I Feed My Leopard Gecko

Finding crickets

Your leopard gecko will eat crickets if and only if they are properly fed. Commercially raised crickets for reptiles are fed well, but they don’t get enough food during transport to pet shops and sometimes even at the store. It is important for leopard gecko owners to feed their crickets properly before giving them to their leopard gecko.

The cricket will become nothing but an empty shell, and the reptile will not receive any nutrition. Gut loading is the act of feeding the crickets before giving them to your gecko. This is because the cricket’s food is the same as what your gecko gets.

The number of crickets that your leopard gecko eats is dependent on his age, size, activity level, and appetite. It’s as easy as feeding him and watching how many he eats.

You can feed your leopard gecko crickets by taking five to six crickets and dropping them in the gecko’s enclosure. You shouldn’t feed more than five to six crickets at a time as the crickets will be unable to survive in the cage and will become unsatisfying. After the first five to six have been eaten, add another.

What Should I Feed My Leopard Gecko

Caring for crickets

Most pet shops allow you to buy as many crickets or as few as you need. You can either go in every day and purchase one cricket, or once a week to get several. They are typically about 10 cents per cricket if you buy them in small quantities. They are much cheaper if you buy them in bulk.

You can buy crickets in large quantities (500-1000) and keep them for several weeks before feeding them and giving them to your leopard gecko when he needs them. While some crickets will die, they are usually very short-lived and can be a good food source for your lizard. You will need another tank to keep the crickets alive.

These supplies are all you need:

  • A large glass tank, the bigger the better, since crickets can leap.
  • Tank top with tight, secure screen
  • Plain unflavored, uncooked (dry), oatmeal. The quick-cooking version is fine, but don’t use the flavored oatmeal with sugar and fruit — they will attract ants!
  • Carrots
  • Cardboard egg crates
  • Jar lid
  • Sponge

You will need to:

1. The tank should be cleaned. Clean the tank by scraping it clean and rinsing it with water. It should be dried well.

2. Add oatmeal to the tank. Spread the unflavored, plain oatmeal a quarter inch thick on the tank’s bottom. The oatmeal acts as both a substrate and food source for the crickets.

3. Place carrots in the tank. Cut up two to three carrots into 1-inch pieces. Then scatter them on the tank floor along with the oatmeal. These add moisture to the tank and provide additional nutrition.

4. Place egg crates into the tank. You can buy bulk crickets by placing them in boxes that contain several egg crates. This is the egg-shaped cardboard that helps eggs stay stable. The egg crates prevent the crickets crushing one another and give them something to climb on or hide under. Cut a few of them into 6-inch pieces and place them in the tank.

5. Water should be added to the tank. You need to give water with a sponge as the crickets can drown in open water. Cut the sponge with scissors so it fits the jar lid. Place the sponge in the jar lid and moisten it. The jar lid will catch any excess water. Place this in the tank

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6. Place the crickets into the tank. Simply dump the crickets into the tank. Do not be gentle, just dump them in. Don’t hesitate to do it quickly, as you might get caught!

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A small bowl with a steep side can be used to catch crickets for your leopard gecko. Grab one of the egg crate pieces and place it on top. This is why you chose small pieces of egg carton instead of large ones. Once you have enough crickets to go around, pick up the bowl and cover it with your hands before giving it to your gecko.

Raising crickets

Many people keep multiple reptiles and raise their own crickets. You can keep a variety of crickets on hand to feed your reptiles. (Baby geckos eat small crickets). You can also know the nutrition of your geckos because you have the crickets.

You can set up a tank the same way as you did to feed the crickets, but instead of using oatmeal, put a 2-inch layer of sand on the bottom. This sand is used by the females to lay their eggs. Next, add oatmeal to a bowl using a flat saucer. Add two to three dozen adult crickets.

The crickets will be fine if the weather is nice. If the temperature is below 70°F/21°C, you can place a ceramic heater or an incandescent lamp above the cage.

After a few weeks, capture the adult crickets and transfer them to another tank. They can be fed to your leopard gecko or placed in another tank. The baby crickets will be found in the empty tank that used to house the adult crickets. They will be tiny, crawling bugs in the cage. They will hide quite a bit so they can be found under the egg cartons. Watch them grow by providing water, food, and carrots to the sponge.

Make a meal out of mealworms

Mealworms are a great food source for many species including birds, primates and mammals as well as reptiles. Mealworms should be fed before they are given to your gecko, as they might not have been properly fed during transport. Mealworms should be kept in a cool, dry place until they are ready to be sold at the pet shop.

Place six to eight mealworms per day for your leopard gecko. The mealworms will eat the substrate if they are just dropped into the cage. After the first mealworm has been consumed, you can add more.

Mealworm Quantities

You can either buy small quantities (25, 50 or 100 per deli cup), or large quantities (25, 50 or 100). You should always feed them before giving them to your gecko, regardless of their size.

You can feed only a few mealworms by setting up a small container with wheat bran, cornmeal, and oat bran in the bottom. It is okay to leave a quarter inch of space above the bottom. Grate a carrot, and then drop it over the bran. Drop in your mealworms and let them eat. Then, over the next few days feed them to your geckos.

Mealworm raising

It’s easy to raise your own mealworms. You will need a glass tank with a screen over. As both food and substrate, place a layer of approximately 2 inches (5 cm) of wheat bran or oat bran on top. You can also chop up carrots and place them on your bedding. The mealworms will burrow under the sheets. Add 100 mealworms to the bedding and replace the carrots when the old ones dry up or disappear. Every once in a while, add more bran.

The pupa will be visible on top of your bedding first. In a few weeks you will start to see dark brown and black beetles. You will eventually see small mealworms if you dig through the bran. Ah, the circle!

Do not dump bedding or other wastes that could contain insects into your compost pile. You can have problems in your yard, house, and environment if the eggs, larvae, pupa, and other insects survive. Place all waste in a plastic bag.

Waxworms: Yummy Food for Geckos

Waxworms are a soft-bodied, cream-colored larva that look like a moth. They are very nutritious and high in fat, making them a good choice for young leopard geckos as well as breeding adults. They are also high in fat and can cause adult leopard geckos to become obese if they are consumed too often. While waxworms should be part of a balanced diet, they should not be the only food for leopard geckos.

Waxworms can also be very difficult to raise, so they won’t be an easy project for your garage. Instead, you’ll need to purchase them as and when you need them. Keep waxworms in the fridge before you give them to your gecko. They can become moths and pupae if they are not kept cool.

You can offer waxworms six to eight at once in a shallow reptile feeding dish, or in a plastic lid for a jar. They will quickly burrow into the substrate, just like mealworms. You shouldn’t give your gecko more waxworms than you need at one time. These insects can be very fattening.

What Should I Feed My Leopard Gecko

A varied diet

An insectivore will eat any edible food it finds in a natural environment. This keeps the insectivore happy. We can do the same thing in captivity to serve our leopard geckos well. Even though a gecko can be healthy on just mealworms, well-fed mealworms is best. A varied diet will improve your gecko’s mental and physical health, spark his curiosity about hunting, and give him exercise.

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Alternating between waxworms and mealworms can be used to change the gecko’s food. You may also consider adding other insects to their diet. You can use a net to capture insects from grass if your yard is free of insecticides. You can catch some sowbugs (or pillbugs) as well as small earthworms. These “wild” insects provide nutritional variety and can get leopard geckos excited about hunting.

Vitamins and minerals can be added

Leopard geckos thrive when they are fed varied food. Because not all insects are the same, geckos need to be given a vitamin or mineral supplement. This is especially important for baby geckos as they grow so quickly.


All geckos need to have calcium, either in the form calcium carbonate or in the form calcium gluconate. These can be found in pet supply shops. This can be sprinkled on the crickets once a week before you give it to your gecko. In a bag, place half a teaspoon powdered calcium. Inflate the bag, add six crickets and shake it gently. The gecko will be able to dispose of the crickets that have been dusted. The gecko will get his calcium from the food he eats.

You can also offer calcium in a small reptile dish or with a lid to a small container. Place a spoonful of calcium in the dish, and then place it in the cage. It will be discovered by your gecko, who will then lick it as often as he needs. Calcium is essential for pregnant women and babies growing up.

Baby leopard geckos that are rapidly growing without adequate calcium can develop metabolic bone disease. This could lead to their death.

Vitamin/mineral combination

You can dust your crickets once a week with a reptile vitamin/mineral supplements. This should not be done at the same time as you are dusting with calcium. You can do this another day. There are many vitamin/mineral products on the market. Choose one that is made specifically for lizards.

Many vitamin/mineral supplements suggest that you use it every day. It is best to give your gecko varied food and feed them well. For healthy adults, it is okay to give them one week. It can be offered twice per week to babies and breeding females.

Commercial food for animal feed

Reptiles can now eat a wide variety of commercial foods, including leopard geckos. These include canned dead insects, such as mealworms and crickets with added vitamins. You can also get formulated foods in powder, dried, pelleted and canned forms. There are many different items available for sale. These items are not food, but they can be bought!

Remember that leopard geckos respond to movement. The cricket hops and the gecko watches the movement and takes note. The cricket moves again and the gecko starts stalking. The cricket will move one more time before it is ready for lunch. Canned dead insects aren’t edible because they don’t move. The gecko may accidentally find them and examine them with his tongue. If he does, he might try one and eat it. Don’t be a fool and expect your gecko to eat these only. Make sure you have live insects.

Commercial foods can be purchased to feed crickets and mealworms before giving them to reptiles. These foods are very effective. The new food can be added to the insect’s tank immediately, as crickets and mealworms will eat any food that is available. This makes gut loading much simpler. These foods can be found at any pet shop that has a reptile section.

Offering special treats

Pet owners love to spoil their pets every once in a while. Dog owners bring their dogs rawhide, while cat owners give their cats catnip. You can spoil your leopard gecko once in a while.

Always good to have a different, but non-poisonous, insect in your backyard. You can enjoy a spider, a hairless caterpillar or small earthworm from your backyard. Pay attention to which insects are best eaten immediately and which ones are best left for later. After an hour, always remove any unattended insects. These insects are not what your gecko is looking for.

A small baby mouse, called a pinkie by adult leopard geckos because it hasn’t grown hair yet, is often eaten by adult leopard geckos. This is normal, even though it bothers some people. If a wild reptile finds a nest of mouse eggs, any insectivorous or carnivorous animal will eat it. Mice are on your menu! Pinkie mice can be both a treat and a source of good nutrition. Pinkie mice can be purchased at your reptile store.

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Offer commercial food occasionally to your leopard gecko if they won’t eat it. My leopard geckos love canned dead flies. They smell good. Although it took some time for the geckos and geckos to realize that these were edible, they soon began to eat the flies.

Your fingers can be used to teach your gecko how to eat.

Water Supply

While many lizards drink water from rain, leopard geckos, true desert reptiles like them, do so in a different way. During the day, leopard geckos seek refuge under objects. They may hide under rocks or on ledges that are too high for them to see. Any water moisture that is found in the spot during the heat of the day or cooling of the evening will condense beneath the rock, ledge, and debris. The gecko will then take in the moisture, one drop at a time. Leopard geckos prefer to look down, and not up, for moisture.

You must provide water to your gecko in a manner that is low enough to satisfy their thirst. You should place water in a shallow reptile bowl, or in a plastic jar lid. The lid of the jar or bowl should be placed in the substrate of the cage. The substrate should not be set so deeply that it will sink into the bowl and soil water. However, the leopard gecko should be able to easily walk up to the water.

The leopard gecko won’t drink water if the bowl is too deep. The gecko will panic if he is not placed in the water. He will still not drink.

How to Keep Your Gecko Fit

Many captive reptiles, such as leopard geckos and leopard geckos, are susceptible to obesity, just like humans. It’s easy for reptiles to become obese when there is so much food available. Obesity can cause a shorter lifespan and pose a serious health risk.

A fat tail is a sign that a leopard gecko is healthy. However, a fattened tail does not necessarily indicate an obese lizard. If the tail becomes more rounded than long, the gecko could be at risk of becoming obese. Healthy leopard geckos will have a curvy body with some fat deposits behind their front legs. That’s normal. If your gecko’s tail is nearly round or his body is round, then he is probably obese. If your gecko is unable to stand up while his stomach is still dragging, he’s probably obese.

Pay attention to your leopard gecko’s diet

It is possible to prevent obesity by changing the diet of your leopard gecko. Your leopard gecko must catch and hunt crickets, not eat them as a mealworm. It’s a good way to get some exercise. You can feed your gecko a few crickets at a time. Your gecko will have to work harder to catch them. Too many crickets can cause your gecko to lose focus. Two more crickets can be added after the first two are gone.

Waxworms can be enjoyed as a treat and provide excellent nutrition, but they should not be a major part of your gecko’s diet due to their high fat content. Mealworms can make up a greater portion of your diet because they are nutritious and low in fat.

Keep track of how many geckos you feed. Reduce the amount of insects your gecko eats if he becomes too obese. Add a few more if he is too thin. You can control your gecko’s eating habits by taking notes about how often he eats.

Geckos are one of the best pets a person can have. They are relatively low-maintenance, and if you take care of them properly, they can live a long and healthy life. When it comes to feeding your leopard gecko, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, make sure that you’re giving them a variety of food items so that they’re getting the nutrients they need. Second, don’t overfeed them – a little goes a long way with these guys! And finally, be patient – sometimes it takes them awhile to warm up to new foods, but eventually they’ll come around. Thanks for reading, and we hope this article was helpful in keeping your leopard gecko happy and well-fed!