About Us

Welcome to Geckopedia, where you can read up-to-date articles about pet gecko care, including what to feed your gecko and how to help your pet gecko live a long, happy life!

Hi – I’m Erika, the lead gecko enthusiast here at Geckopedia! My interest in geckos began as a child, and experience has grown as I’ve cared for geckos as pets for many years. I now have five homeschooled children who adore geckos, and you will see them (the geckos and the children!) on my blog from time to time.

I am an educator – I graduated with advanced degrees from  UC-Berkeley, the University of Southern California (USC), and Indiana University-Bloomington, where I studied Biology and Animal Science in addition to my other coursework.

I use my thirty years expertise in gecko husbandry to help others learn about the keeping and care of geckos. I am an advocate for all subjects gecko related! If you have any questions, please email me at: thegeckopedia@gmail.com

Thanks for reading!


Geckopedia is a leading authority and best place on the internet to find trusted information on gecko care. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, we have the resources and articles you need to learn everything there is to know about keeping and caring for geckos as pets. Our experts have decades of experience in the feeding and care of geckos, so you can be sure that you’re getting the best advice possible.


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