Are Calci Worms Good For Leopard Geckos?

Leopard geckos are one of the most popular pets today, and for good reason! They’re small, relatively easy to care for, and incredibly cute. But what about their diet? specifically, are calci worms good for leopard geckos? Let’s take a closer look.

What are calci worms and where do they come from?

Calci worms are small, white caterpillars that are a great source of nutrition for geckos and other reptiles. They get their name due to their hard-shelled calcium rich cocoons and their high calcium content per serving.

Calci worms are actually the larvae form of the Settle Moth, which originates from South Asia and Australia. After emerging from the pupa stage following it’s time in a silken cocoon, these caterpillar larvae eventually become full grown moths once they reach maturity.

Due to their long pupa period and short lifespan as adults, farmers have long cultivated them as a food source for geckos and other such exotic pets. Nowadays, most calci worms sold on the market is commercially grown on farms.

What are the benefits of feeding calci worms to leopard geckos?

Feeding calci worms to leopard geckos has many benefits. These worms contain high levels of calcium and other essential vitamins, making them the perfect source for gecko nutrition. Since geckos often hunt for insects in their natural environment, providing them with calci worms is the closest comparison.

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Additionally, geckos benefit from a steady diet of these particular worms because they are very easy to digest and require little to no prep work. Calci worms should always be stored in a container as they have a tendency to dry out quickly when exposed to air.

All in all, calci worms provide geckos with vital nutrients and offer an enjoyable way of supplementing their usual diet.

How often should you feed calci worms to leopard geckos, and in what quantity?

Leopard geckos are unique and lovely pet reptiles that need a well-rounded diet of both live prey and commercial gecko food. An important part of their meal plan should be calci worms, which contain much more calcium than traditional mealworms for gecko nutrition.

These nutritious insects should make up 10% of the gecko’s diet, and should be offered to them twice weekly in a quantity appropriate for their size. This could mean two or three worms per gecko depending on how big it is.

Feeding calci worms too often or in too high a quantity can cause health issues due to the gecko’s inability to properly digest large amounts of calcium, so maintaining a proper balance is essential to giving your gecko a healthy nutrition plan.

Are there any risks associated with feeding calci worms to leopard geckos?

Feeding calci worms to leopard geckos can be beneficial for the gecko as a source of calcium, however there are potential risks to consider. Calci worms may provide more nutrition than their wild-caught counterparts, but they can be high in fat and cause obesity in geckos if not fed sparingly.

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Additionally, if not stored properly, the worms could contain bacteria that could lead to sickness or disease in geckos.

Finally, feeding geckos too many inhabitant insects (like mealworms) can cause deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals at the expense of higher protein values – this is important to consider when including calci worms as part of its diet.

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In order to ensure a healthy gecko, it is advised to feed them with a balanced diet that includes both natural prey items from their wild habitat as well as commercially sold pellets and treats like calci worms.

How can you tell if your leopard gecko is enjoying their calci worms mealtime experience?!

Leopard geckos are beloved pets that often enjoy being handled by their owners but they can also be quite shy. Mealtime is a great way to bond with your gecko while also monitoring their health as they eat.

One good indication that your gecko is enjoying their calci worms meal is if they’re not trying to hide away after eating. If you notice your gecko actively licking up the worms, crunching them enthusiastically, or even burying the leftovers for later, it’s highly likely that those calci worms are hitting the spot!

Eating should be a pleasant experience for geckos, so if you ever have any doubts about their dietary satisfaction, consulting with a vet should always be an option.

In conclusion, calci worms are an excellent feeder insect for leopard geckos, offering numerous benefits such as a high calcium content and a variety of vitamins. When feeding live calci worms to your leopard gecko, it is important to be mindful of their quantity and frequency as overfeeding can have detrimental effects.

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While it can take some time for your leopard gecko to warm up to eating their calci worm meals, you should see tail wagging, tongue flicking, improved appetite and weight gain as signs that they’re enjoying it.

Ultimately, when done safely in moderation alongside other feeders like crickets or mealworms, you can be sure that your leopard gecko is getting the nutrition necessary for living a healthy life.